Best Fishing Line For Bass

Fishing Line For Bass - Reviews & Guides For 2025

Our Top Fishing Line For Bass

Need Help Choosing Fishing Line For Bass?

Fishing Line for Bass Buyers Guide

Choosing the right fishing line for bass can make a significant impact on your performance. It will determine the results regarding your catch. If you want to secure your catch and wish for your fishing gear to last long, it is paramount to select the right type of fishing line.

Of course, it's the bass fish we are talking about. There was once a time when you could buy monofilament lines, which would be the end of it. Today, you have at least three different types of lines. Thanks to modern technology, even they have a variety of aspects. Thus, it can get very daunting and confusing to select the right fishing line!

But don't you worry! We are bringing you a full-fledged guide which will cover the essential aspects. It will enable you to choose the best fishing line for bass. Furthermore, you will get some additional questions and tips to ensure you can get the best bass fishing experience.

Factors to consider when buying fishing lines for bass

The guide is divided into three segments to make it easier for you to choose the right fishing line. You can choose to read them all for comprehensive knowledge. However, you can also read them in parts to get expertise.

The first segment talks about different types of fishing lines. It will show you where to use them and how to make the right choice. The second segment is about differentiating between two lines of the same category. It will enable you to choose according to your purpose and style. Finally, the third segment will talk about extra features that could be convenient or provide added value for money.

If you combine all three of these segments, you will have a vast pool of knowledge regarding bass fishing lines. So, let's start with the first hurdle:

Choosing the right type

There are different types of lines available in the market. They use varying materials for composition. However, each has certain perks and drawbacks. According to your purpose and the water condition, you might want to choose the right fishing line for bass.

Here you will get a quick overview of each type and where should you use each fishing line for bass fishing:

Monofilament lines

Monofilament lines are the industrial standard and something every angler uses by default. They bring you a well-versed performance. Thus, you can use almost any type of lure with it. Similarly, there is a wide range of color options available for this bait. Overall, it brings you a versatile approach to fishing for bass.

It uses a single thread of nylon (primarily) and usually has the highest elasticity available in the lines. If you want to catch small bass with sharp bites, it is a great choice. A monofilament line is best to use when it's nighttime or a cloudy day when the bass fishes are out and about. They won't mind coming to the surface.

Monofilament lines have higher buoyancy than others. Thus, they will provide ease of pulling and retrieving but also pose challenges for deep water. You would have to consider the type of lure to use. For the best results, it's better to use monofilament with a fluorocarbon.

Fluorocarbon lines

Bass primarily depends on their sense of sight to hunt. If you can trick that, you can catch them. That's what fluorocarbon brings you, an assurance that they will strike. Why? Fluorocarbon is highly transparent or reflective. Thus, they are less visible in the water. To trick bass in deeper or clear waters, it is the best choice.

Similarly, it makes the lure look active and real. It is also denser and quickly sinks in the water. Most of the anglers use this as their 'go-to' option for catching bass. Fluorocarbon is significantly more durable than monofilament but has less stretchability.

Hence, you will find it best in combination with monofilament for added strength and succession. You can use fluorocarbon lines for fishing any type of bass in any situation. That's what makes it a great addition. It is a must-have for all anglers who wish to catch bass.

Braided lines

These are the least-preferable lines when you have to catch a bass. However, if you're fishing for bass in hardcover or denser water with plenty of vegetation, it can be your ace in a hole. Braided lines are thinner than monofilament with rigid built and zero stretchability.

However, braided lines comprise a mixture of strands. Thus, they are more durable and damage or abrasion-resistant. Therefore, if you have to pull a bass through a series of vegetation or from a deep cover, braiding is better. Apart from that, there isn't much use to braided lines.

If accuracy is your aim and you need to cast a long distance, it is a great choice. However, braided lines are more costly. So, it might not be worth the money unless you specifically want to hunt bass in dense grass or cover.

Aspects of the line

Once you choose the right type of line, there are many features and specifications to pay attention to. No two similar categories of fishing line for bass are the same specification. Depending on the manufacturer, quality, and price, they can have a wide range of aspects. Here you will get a quick overview of each factor and why does it matter. Furthermore, you will learn what to consider to get the best fishing line for bass.

Test rating (Strength)

The strength capacity of your line would be a primary consideration. You might see many lines that tell you about 'test' with a number like 1-12 or more. The numbers denote the strength level in pounds. In simple words, how much weight can line support?

These numbers may or may not have 'lbs' next to them. Even if they don't have 'lbs,' we assume it's in pounds. Now, less tests means less thickness, and that has an entirely different role to play. You will learn about it below.

Thus, getting the highest number is not always the best choice. You need to consider the amount of fight the bass will put up. Most of the time, the test can be lighter than the actual weight of the fish. Fishes are primarily buoyant and more lightweight underwater.

Thus, the primary consideration is the tension your line will get. That's what test rating will help withstand. For bass fishing, anywhere between 8-12 pounds is a versatile choice that would support various bass types.

Stretchability (Sensitivity)

Next in the line of consideration would be stretchability. As you might've noticed in the type of lines, monofilament is most stretchable while braided are rigid. Higher stretchability means more sensitivity, and for bass, it becomes vital to have higher sensitivity. It also impacts the shock resistance of your line.

Bass are aggressive and 'sudden' hitter who will quickly attack the line and try to chomp on the lure. A rigid line has the risk of breaking while a stretchable would survive the impact. Many times, the hook would take time to settle where stretchability plays a vital role.

Many anglers also prefer a sling-shot approach where they use breaded lines and quickly pull the hook as the bass attacks it. It allows them to reel the bass in with a single swift pull. However, the hook might pierce through, and you won't be able to catch the fish.

For bass, you need to be gentle and take a more sensitive approach. The feedback on the line will also allow you to gauge the bass's activity, which comes with a more stretchable line.

Density (Thickness)

Now, let's talk about the density of the line. The density of the line would impact the buoyancy of the line. It has brief information below. However, the thickness also influences the control of the line. If the line is thicker, the water flow will affect it. It will move around with water waves or currents.

Similarly, if you cast a thicker line, the wind resistance will make it harder to cast it precisely or at a longer distance. Hence, you have to consider these aspects as you get a fishing line for bass. If you seek more accuracy and precision, thinner strings are better.

This is why most anglers try to get the 'lighter' side of the weight spectrum you need to catch a fish. Heavier isn't always better.

Damage resistance

Damage resistance is a combination of shock, abrasion, and tension resistance. Your line would be most prone to damage as it connects your complete fishing equipment. It is paramount to consider your line's durability, and that's where damage resistance plays a vital role.

The tension depends on the test factor, while abrasion would rely on the material's type and quality. Shock absorption depends on the elasticity of the line.

Higher test strength means better tension support. However, you don't need it higher than the weight of the fish. Usually, a lower rating would do the job. Similarly, you can reinforce the abrasion resistance with extra coating, and you would need it primarily for hardcovers, vegetations, or rock regions.

Elasticity would matter but not too much. You need a medium level of shock absorption to withstand the bass' sudden hit. So if you combine these three aspects in a perfect balance, you will most likely find a heavy-duty line.

Visibility (color)

Finally, as mentioned earlier, bass depends on their vision. Thus, the visibility of your line will play a significant role. The thinner lines are more difficult for them to track, while natural colors would be more suitable.

If you're using a monofilament line, consider using green color to give the illusion of grass or other vegetation. It would also fade and blend with deep water, and with lure visible as an independent creature. Similarly, fluorocarbon is the best option with higher transparency for the line to be completely invisible to the lures.

These two are the best option and even if you choose braided, make sure to make it match these colors. You can never go wrong with these.

Additional factors to consider

The above-given guidelines are sufficient to help you get the best fishing line for bass. However, there are some extra vital considerations you'd have to make. These are not directly related to the line's aspects or the type of line but make a significant difference.

If you want a holistic selection, it's better to consider these features as you purchase the line. Here's everything else you need to pay attention to:


The buoyancy of the line determines how easier it would be for the line to sink it. This is more related to the type of line and the material. However, the density also plays a vital role in buoyancy. Higher density means that the line will sink easier while lower density will swim up.

Sometimes, extra buoyancy makes it easier for you to pull the fish out of the water. However, if you are going for deep water fishing, you can't look at higher buoyancy. You need to find a balance between density, buoyancy, and thickness of the line for the best choice.


The memory of a line is the ability to retain a specific shape. As you roll and 'reel' the line, it shouldn't have high memory. High memory makes it challenging to spool the line. It will be significantly challenging for you to efficiently control the line, and it will often jam or tangle with the guide control of your rod. You need low memory so that the line doesn't retain any shape.

For this, you can extend the line while buying it to see if it is straight or curvy. If you see any sign of curve, choose a different reel.

Ease of use

The ease of use depends on the compatibility of your line. How many types of reels can you use it with? Spinner reels and baitcasting reels are two more prominent choices available in the market. You would want something that suits it.

Second, you need to consider your spool's length, and it should suit your reel's capacity. Next would be the line's sliding capacity, which is pivotal if you want ease of handling. How well does a line slide on your reel would affirmatively make a difference?

Finally, the ease of using knots and the compatibility would matter. As you are most likely going to use monofilament with fluorocarbon, the comfort of tying knots can't be overlooked. Get yourself a line that is easy to use and comfortable. These aspects will cover the features.

Epoxy coating

Many manufacturers offer an extra layer of coating on the line, and it could very well boost the abrasion resistance. It would also increase the durability of the line and make it more resistant to corrosion. Similarly, the line will be more gentle on your reel and won't damage it. If you use a cheap or less durable reel, it is an excellent consideration to make.

However, the epoxy coating can make the line too firm. Thus, it could pose a challenge when reeling the fish or releasing the string. It would need you to practice with the coating to get used to the idea. However, if you want a long-lasting line, it is certainly a viable choice.

Anti-corrosion elements

For a fishing line for bass, you need to consider anti-corrosion elements. The most important aspects are related to saltwater corrosion or high-ph resistance of the water. It would help your line last longer. As you don't need to fish for bass in sunlight, you don't need to specifically consider anti-UV qualities. However, it could be the right choice for your line's general longevity to seek anti-UV features.

Waterproofing is a given, and almost every manufacturer would provide you this aspect. The ease of cleaning and maintenance could depend on anti-corrosion elements. However, the cost of the line could increase as well. It's better to consider the cost and value for the price when choosing anti-elements or anti-corrosion features.

FAQs: Best Fishing Lines for Bass

Q: When is the best time to fish for bass?

A: Bass is a fish that prefers strong or deep covers or dark ambiance. They stay away from sunlight. Thus, you will find them most actively available during cloudy days. Similarly, night-time tends to be the best time to catch bass. These are the best times for shallow fishing as well. However, you can use deep fishing methods to capture them with less visibility.

Q: What type of lure is best for the fishing line for bass?

A: The best part about the fishing line for bass is that you don't have to stick to a specific type of lure. Bass love food of any kind, and you can tempt them by using any type of lure. All you need to ensure is that the lure is according to the bass' natural environment or habitat to prompt it for an attack. Correlatively, the lure should work with the line. That's all! You're good to go.

Q: Can you mix two different types of lines?

A: Yes, you can always combine two or more types of lines. However, the knot will significantly impact the strength of your line. But it comes with an array of perks. Let's take bass fishing, for example, here.

If you use fluorocarbon for connecting the hook and tie monofilament after a depth of a few yards, it would be a great combination against the bass. Primarily because bass depends on the visibility. In deep waters, the line will be transparent or less visible. Thus, ensuring a catch for bass.

You can try different mixing but don't get too many knots of the mix in the reel. Keep it well-distributed.

Q: What fishing style is best to catch bass?

A: There isn't any specific fishing style as bass are smart creatures. If you use the same style consistently, your chances of catching the bass will keep decreasing. Thus, it is better to polish a wide range of skills. Always try to use different methods of capturing the bass if you want optimum results. You have to surprise the bass and tempt it.

Bass are also available in different conditions and covers. That factor will also impact the type of style you should use to capture bass.

Q: How to get the right strength rating for a line?

A: Most of it is covered in the guide as you need to consider the type of fish and the initial average weight. Any knot will reduce your line's strength down to 75-80% of the initial rating. The environmental condition, especially the type of cover, might require you to get higher test strength.

As a general rule, many anglers prefer to use a line around the lightest side of the weight you need to capture a bass fish. That would be a good rule of thumb to help you choose the right rating.

Q: How long does a fish line last?

A: It would depend on how frequently you use it. The shelf life of any line is around two to three years. Higher quality would last longer, while consistent use would require you to change the lines frequently. If you want value for money, you can get other covers and protection options.


A fishing line is often a highly overlooked part of your gear. It sustains consistent wear and tears without much consideration. However, it is the part that determines how well your equipment will work. The compatibility of your lures will complement your fishing skills. Hence, lines have a significant impact on the outcome. Thus, you shouldn't overlook its importance and always keep it in the best condition.

Hopefully, the above-given article provides you some great insights with valuable information. You can also use this knowledge to try and browse through other types of fishing lines. Now you can choose the best fishing line for bass without any confusion. So go ahead and get the right partner for your fishing gear. / - © Copyright 2020