Best Pool Slides

Pool Slides - Reviews & Guides For 2025

Our Top Pool Slides

Need Help Choosing Pool Slides?

Pool Slides buying guide

The holidays are on, and the demand for the pool slides is very high. Everyone is in the race to purchase their perfect pool slide to have the maximum fun.

We seem to forget in the peak of excitement that besides investing in the best-looking slide, we should also look for some other features. Refer to this buying guide to make your investments pay off and acquire more fun.

You'll also become acquainted with the unknown details and features and the necessary information relevant to a pool slide. You need to dig deep and uncover the hidden treasure to possess the best of all.

Please take a closer look at all the aspects listed below to support you. Dedicate some time to each segment, and then make a clear decision.

What are Pool Slides, and why should you buy them?

The month of August is nearing its end. Before the white Christmas, you should allow some sun rays to seep inside you.

The best and fun way to do that is through planning trips to the pool. If you have a swimming pool at home, you can have access to it at any time. If not, don't waste time and book a resort right away.

The best way to keep yourself entertained is to have access to a pool slide. You'll have lots of fun with your friends in the pool, and you'll never miss your home. Pool slides are the things you need most to enjoy your pool vacation, in addition to floats or noodles.

Dancing with a drink in hand at every beat of your favorite music and swirling through the slide is something you can imagine of.

Even your kids have a great time when this adventurous water toy is around. A pool slide is an excellent way to fill your lives with laughter and enjoyment.

Types of Pool Slides

To add the fun spice to your pool vacation, a pool slide is an essential element. These feature various colors, styles, and sliding experience. While exploring, you will find three different slides. These are:

Straight leg slide

These slides, with a height of 8 to 12 feet, are very widely used by families, including toddlers and small kids. They have a straight line set up from the starting point to the end.

The end of this slide that lands you inside the pool is broad. You get a secure ladder connection, too. This design allows you to use the stairs only when necessary.


  1. Straight slides are very safe for children because of the improved safety features that these have.
  1. These allow you quick setup without any unnecessary hassle.


  1. Because of the straight design of these slides, you will reach the bottom in no time. This does not offer you the desired thrill.
  2. These slides have broad bottoms. That might demand more space.

Molded leg slides

Molded leg slides come with a standard height of 8 feet. These have a curvy design to instill the thrill and excitement in you. The leg of this slide twists at the point where the slide hits the water.


  1. These slides bring more fun and excitement when compared to the straight leg slides in your slide ride.
  2. Unlike other types of slides, the height of these slides varies.


  1. Such slides are not ideal for small children because they risk falling off due to the curvy nature.
  2. Not suitable for small area swimming pools. Because of their curvy shape, these need more space.

Elephant leg slides

These slides feature two distinct styles, having attractive designs. These styles are:

  1. G-force pattern

Similar to the shape of DNA, these slides feature a spiral design. These are 9 feet tall.

  1. Stream design

These slides have a soft curve and feature a steep top part. These slides have a height of 14 feet. To experience a unique, thrilling slide ride, stream designs are the best.

  1. Elephant leg slide is the most enjoyable pool slide you'll ever come across.
  2. These are specially built to give your poolside a cool, quirky look.
  1. These slides aren't appropriate for kids and could injure them.
  2. These slides take more room than other slides because of their unique spiral-like designs.

Things to deem about while selecting appropriate Pool Slides

Size and height

How will a big pool slide fit into your small pool? Is it safe for your child to use a big slide?

Size and height play a very significant role when slides are considered. You have to ensure that your slide is of the right size so that it fits inside your pool. The second thing to emphasize on is whether your kid can use it by himself or not.

It is recommended that you opt for bigger pool slides. Hang in there! We know what you are thinking. Believe us; you will be relieved after learning the intention.

By having a bigger slide, you can ensure that your kid stays safe. The bigger the slide will be, the deeper its wall will be. Deeper walls protect your child from falling off.

The next significant advantage is that bigger slides can be used for many years. If your child is small, you can help him ride the slide. When he grows up, he will experience more fun by riding it independently.

When height is considered, all the slides feature a height range of 5-12 feet. Giving priority to your preference, you can select the slide of any size that suits you.


The material used in the construction of your desired slide enhances its durability. To increase your beloved slide's life span, take some time, and go through this section.

High-quality material provides strength, flexibility, and endurance to your slide. Not only does it make your ride more thrilling, but it also saves you from the massive investment. If your slide is not strong enough, it will get damaged easily, and you will have to repair it frequently.

Fiberglass and polyethylene are the best in minimizing the friction and the drag on your slide and increasing its life span.

Due to less friction, you can slide down more quickly and splash inside the water. Besides, fiberglass and polyethylene are rust-resistant. Rusting is a widespread phenomenon when water is around.

A rusted slide can become brittle and break. To avoid malfunctioning, these two materials are excellent. These have a special protective coating on them. This coating protects them from harsh chemicals, rusting, and UV rays.

Water Supply

You must be aware of how good the relation between plastic and friction is. Have you ever ridden a slide made of plastic and got stuck midway? Such an embarrassment!

To ensure that you don't face the same issue, add a decent amount of water on your Pool slides to minimize the friction. Slides made of fiberglass gel coating have less drag compared to the plastic ones.

Though both of them are efficiently good, friction forms the fine line between both the materials. Do not worry! To minimize the drag in your plastic slide, make sure that it has an uninterrupted water supply.

You can make use of the water pipe that you use in the garden or search for options that have a built-in hose to be attached to a water tap. This may need some expertise or professionals to install it in the right manner.

Ease of Installation

Before purchasing any slide, you should have a basic idea of how to install it. Installation depends on factors like the slide's size or the built-in water hose.

If you buy a bigger size, be sure to fasten your belts and prepare your tools. Giant slides include a more complex installation mechanism.

On the other hand, picking up a small slide is better because you get the ease of installation by taking your family members or friends' help.

Pool slides are designed to make your task much more manageable. You get an instruction booklet to make you familiar with the process. Along with this booklet, you also get access to the most simple installation process.

Just drill some tiny holes at the designated places. Grab some anchors and place them in the gaps, tighten them up, and you are done. The slide will attach firmly to the ground. Once you are done with this, the rest will be like solving a puzzle.


The most important of all, you need to calculate the amount of space you have in your pool area before selecting any slide. Only the size of your slide doesn't affect your space, but also it's designed.

If you have less space and opted for a straight led slide, you have made a blunder. Space is essential but should not compromise with fun. After all, sliding is all about fun!

Your slide will either feature a larger footprint or a short footprint. Footprint determines the area occupied by your slide. The space occupied is based on two things: The slide's angle for a straight leg slide and the tilt of the curves for molded leg slide or elephant leg slide.

The location you are visiting or have has a small space; it is recommended that you opt for molded or elephant leg pool slides. The reason is that they have curves. Curves help you save a large amount of space and also offer ultimate excitement.

If the location is quite big and has an enormous amount of space, opting for a straight leg slide will be worthwhile.


Your pool slide's compatibility is decided based on the surface or the deck on which that will be installed. If you have a slide that has to be installed on a wooden surface and your poolside area is concrete, how will you install your slide?

To narrow down your search, search for variants in pool slides. These slides have the feature to be installed easily on both the surfaces. This reduces your tension to level zero.

You can easily opt for your favored slide without stressing much on your pool's compatibility to the ground. Using these slides, you can ensure your pool mates, kids' safety, and enjoy the moment.


When you are around water, even if it is a pool with shallow depth, safety should always hold the top priority. This also affects your decision making. Let's see how to ensure safety while using it.

  1. Ensure proper installation

Follow the instructions very carefully. Pay attention to the compatibility of your slide with the deck. If you are not confident enough, contact Pool slides installation professionals to help you through the process.

  1. CPSC compliant

Not many people using slides know about this. Though a pool slide has built-in safety features, it should also be CPSC compliant. This compliance means that your slide has been carefully examined and exposed to harsh tests to ensure that it is safe for use.

  1. Handrails, steps, and tread

If kids are using the slide, ensure that your slide's ladder has handrails and a long and sturdy tread.

  1. Water safety envelopes

These envelopes tell you about the suitable water depth that your slide requires. Since the depth varies, so focus on the mentioned instruction.

Left or right

The choice between a left turn slide or a right turn is entirely based on the deck space and the location.

You will have to perform tiresome tasks like measuring your deck, asking for help from a professional, etc. By investing in a pool slide, you get the liberty to inhale some fresh air, sit back, and chill.

A pool slide has such an intricate design that suits all the decks. Without stressing about which turn to opt for, you can order a slide of any turn and enjoy your freedom of making an effortless purchase.


The divine path that leads you to the pool is known as the flume. Like the film industry celebrities walk down the red carpet, you being the shining star of your family slide down the flume.

Flume is essential to be considered because the flume reflects the quality of your slide. If the flume is strong, your whole slide is strong.

Things to be considered while deciding for the flume are the width, the friction quotient, abrasion-resistant capacity, and resistance against natural elements.

  1. Width

Having a wide flume is necessary if an adult will be riding with a small kid. To accommodate an adult, the flume needs to be wide enough to offer comfort.

  1. Friction quotient

If your flume is not slippery, you will get stuck midway and not be able to move. Hence, ensure that the flume that you opt for has less friction quotient to allow you a slippery ride.

  1. Abrasion-resistant capacity

Frequent sliding makes the flume's surface rough. This, in turn, increases the friction quotient of your flume. Your flume's abrasion-resistant capacity helps in maintaining its slippery texture.

  1. Resistance against natural elements

The flume of your slide is exposed to the sun most of the time. Having a dark-colored flume will absorb more heat, or the color will fade away. To ensure that your flume stays cold and the color doesn't fade away, opt for the lighter shade possible.


More curvature of the flume means more fun. You will get more thrill and swirl inside the pool. The right amount of curvature ensures that you get more fun and excitement.

Invest in a pool slide. These slides have maximum curvature. The amount of curvature that you will avail from these slides will leave you spellbound. The motive is simple: you do not leave the pool disappointed!


Accessories contribute a lot to a pool slide. With more accessories, you can avail of the ease of installation, safety, and the importance of having fun. Purchase the best pool slide that includes all the necessary accessories.

You get anchors, drill machines, and many more such fascinating items at a very affordable price. So, the next time you decide to buy a pool slide, don't forget to search for the accessories.

Weight limit

A pool slide is not designed only to be used by a kid. Adults, too, can have a lot of fun using them. The weight limit comes into play when you consider the usage of these slides by adults also.

These slides come in various weight limits, and you need to hunt for the one that suits your group. It is highly recommended that you search for a pool slide with a minimum weight capacity of 250 pounds.

This weight limit will ensure your safety and can be used by all the age groups. Also, check the capacity of the flume and the ladder simultaneously. If the ladder or fumes cannot endure your weight, you might end up bruised.


Pool slides feature a wide range of different and unique colors to choose from. You may get confused about which one to pick for after you have the color catalog in hand.

Many people tend to use contrasting colors to enhance the décor of their location. Others opt for their favorite color or any other desired shade.

The vital thing you should keep in mind is that dark colors absorb heat from the sun and fade over time. A heated slide will be difficult to ride on, and a faded one will look awful.

To quirk up your water playground and feel fresh and fashionable, try to opt for lighter shades. Lighter shades reflect the sun's hot rays and keep your slide cool. These also don't fade away with regular use.

Besides, lighter shades match any mood, surroundings, and day. So, by opting for these shades, you will not have to worry about anything.

Water Hookup

As stated earlier, to reduce the drag and friction, water supply is required all along the flume. Though garden hose is the most readily available option, it is not portable and will pose a problem if not long enough.

To negate this problem, pool slides feature water hookups. These are hose-like structures and can be used anywhere. Even if your water source is far away, you can easily carry these and get running water on your flume instantly.

How To Install Pool Slides?

Though a small pool slide is relatively easy to set up, the bigger ones need expert guidance and expertise.

Installation manuals accompany all the slides, but you may find it harder to follow it line by line. To help ease the task, you can go through some points listed below. These will help you understand the procedure better and try your hand at it.

  1. Survey the area

Before installing your slide, survey your location. Take the measurements accurately. If you have a concrete surface, make sure that you level it and make it smooth to place the deck firmly.

  1. Prepare the landing section

After you have finished with the measurements and leveling, select a place for installation. Ensure that you choose a site so that your slide is correctly installed and you land at the right place. This will ensure safety.

  1. Set up the slide

The setup process varies from model to model. First, you will have to assemble the different components of your slide. These include the handrails, ladder, flume, etc. Some slides don't have so many parts. So, you need to focus on the no. of components and which one is supposed to be attached where.

  1. Place the mounting brackets

Mounting brackets help in securing your slide to the ground and support it. You should place all the mounting brackets at the appropriate place with caution. If you do not follow this step correctly, your slide will have no sturdy support.

  1. Installation of the slide section

After completing the previous steps, now is the time to install the slide. Do not try to lift the slide all by yourself because it may be heavy. Place the slide structure on the support poles and secure them with the help of the provided tools.

  1. Installation of the ladder

The last but the most significant. After you have secured your slide to the supporting poles, place the ladder at the designated place. Secure it to the slide firmly and double-check.

Also, the bottom of your slide's ladder has to be secured to the deck. To do so, use the necessary anchors. After you are done and dusted, enjoy your pool slide with your loved ones.


  1. How should I clean the slide properly?

Spray your cleaner on the slide and let it rest on it for some time. Then use a soft sponge to clean the slide. Never use any harsh chemicals for cleaning the slide.

  1. Should I opt for slides that have the water hookup feature?

Yes, the wet surface of the slide elevates the fun and excitement while sliding. If the variant is not variable, choose the option in which you can fit a garden hose. The combination will also give the same effect.

  1. What tools do I need to install the slide by myself?

You need a standard hammer, a level, screwdrivers, socket wrench set, hammer drill, measuring tape, and pliers. Read the instructions manual properly to prevent any damage.

Final Verdict

Pool slides allow you to enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. Selecting a suitable slide requires in-depth details about its different characteristics.

Here in the buying guide, you will find all the necessary information to funnel down the best product. Skim through the pointer quickly and make an informed decision. / - © Copyright 2020