Best Waterproofing Sprays

Waterproofing Sprays - Reviews & Guides For 2025

Our Top Waterproofing Sprays

Need Help Choosing Waterproofing Sprays?

Waterproofing sprays buying guide

Want to add an extra layer of protection to your outdoor items from water damage? Think it is not possible? Be ready for a surprise. Waterproofing sprays are here to prove you completely wrong.

If you live in the area where it rains heavily, you can understand the struggle to save your apparel and items from water damage. These sprays protect your outdoor gear, bodywear, pieces of equipment, and whatnot efficiently.

However, you have to deem some critical things before selecting the appropriate spray. Most importantly, the spray should not let the fabric soak any water droplets in it. Next, you need to ensure that the spray doesn't leave any stain on the fabric's surface, odor, or irritate your skin.

To purchase the suitable spray, you need in-depth knowledge of its elements. A buying guide provides you with all the necessary information on these critical factors. Not only, it saves you from the hassle of gathering accurate details and facts, but it also saves you valuable time.

But before starting with the guide, let us get to understand the product in a nutshell.

What do you mean by Waterproofing sprays? Why is it important to have them?

Waterproofing sprays are a godsend. Especially if you live in areas where it continuously rains cats and dogs, a waterproofing spray will always remain handy. These sprays provide a coating for your shoes, clothes, or any other material that might want to make water-repellant and are known for their effectiveness.

Reasons You Need A Waterproofing Spray

  1. Increase the durability of any object

You may have lost so many garments or shoes because they got spoiled due to exposure to moisture. Well, relieve yourself of that by using waterproofing sprays. This will enhance the longevity of any item.

  1. Maintenance Convenience

If your shoes or other belongings get drenched and try to clean them after they dry, you know how tricky they can get. Save yourself the trouble by simply using waterproofing sprays beforehand and clean the object with a single wipe after.

  1. No Residue

If you are worried that spraying your belongings with waterproofing sprays will harm their quality or that some unremovable residue will remain on the items, relax. Several advanced waterproofing sprays allow you to protect your items from moisture while also preventing any residue build-up.

  1. Any Surface Application

There is no item or surface that you could possibly want to make waterproof that a waterproofing spray won't be able to handle. Anything from shoes to clothes, to wood and even electronic gadgets can be made waterproof with these sprays.

Why should you read a buying guide before selecting the appropriate spray?

You can never take a risk with the unpredictability of the weather. In a moment, you are starting with a sunny day, and in a blink of an eye, it is raining cats and dogs. So, being prepared with the situation always protects you from any unfortunate accident.

Waterproofing spray provides an efficient yet straightforward way to protect your outdoor wear. All you need is to select a suitable product. For this, you should refer to a comprehensive buying guide to study every element of the product carefully.

You will find all the necessary information under the roof and get answers to common queries. So, without any further ado, let us dive into this extensive guide.

Things To Deem While Selecting Appropriate Waterproofing sprays

Aerosol or Spray Bottle

Often, this consideration is based on personal preferences. Either of the options can work out to be useful for you. Both use different technologies as an outlet for the spray.

Aerosol spray bottles make use of compressed chemicals that allow you to use the spray without manually pumping. On the other hand, spray bottles require you to pump repeatedly to make the waterproof coating come out.

If the aerosol bottle makes use of harmful chemicals for the pressurization, it is less preferred even though it is much more convenient. However, new technology has allowed usage of cleaner chemicals in the making of aerosol sprays, making them a viable option.


The materials used in the making of the waterproofing spray determine the overall performance of the product, its reliability, durability, and eco-friendliness. Thus, materials of the waterproofing sprays must be taken into consideration for making a sound choice.

The material used in one type of waterproofing sprays will make it much more active on fabrics than on wooden surfaces. Thus, the chemical makeup of the product should be considered, primarily based on the purpose of the purchase.

Further, some waterproof sprays make use of nanotechnology, which prevents the build-up of residue. So if you prefer that your spray should offer such a feature, look for it in the materials and process of making. If you want to purchase a spray for especially sensitive material, it is wise to test it on a small patch first.


Potency refers to the safety of the chemicals used in a waterproofing spray. When the idea of such sprays was introduced, harmful chemicals were widely used in their making. However, with growth in the industry's technology, it has become possible to eliminate the use of such chemicals.

While some waterproofing sprays that are specifically made to be extremely sturdy and effective continue to make use of some harsh chemicals, they come with a caution. Especially if you plan to use the spray on a garment, you should be careful as it can cause allergic reactions.

The use of the chemical called fluoropolymer has made the use of waterproofing sprays safe and potent. Used in most modern-day products, this chemical is effective while also quite skin-friendly.

Suppose you have specific skin conditions like extreme sensitivity or certain allergies. In that case, you must tread lightly when it comes to checking the materials used in the making of the waterproof sprays. Test your product on a small piece of garment that you plan to wear to ensure that it is safe for you to use.


Arguably, protection is the most crucial consideration that you will need to factor in to determine whether a waterproofing spray is appropriately effective or not. The degree of protection, the type of surface it can protect, the viability, and the durability of that protective layer are all essential considerations that you must look into to make a sound choice about waterproofing sprays.

First things first, ascertain the purpose of the purchase. Is it your regular shoes that you want to coat with waterproofing or your hiking gear in case you are caught in a downpour? You will need to find a spray that will cater to your specific needs in terms of protection.

Usually, your regular belongings like clothes and shoes may require minimal coating as they may encounter only a light drizzle or so. But if you want more hard-core protection for your electronic or camping gear, it will require a much more effective spray that may use harsher ingredients.


Often, buying waterproofing sprays is considered quite cost-effective given that spray cans are much cheaper as compared to waterproof gear. Instead of spending a lot more on the sleeping bags and tents that are waterproof, one prefers to purchase sprays that can be versatile for not just gear but other surfaces too.

The low prices of waterproofing sprays, however, may not be of face-value. Depending on the surface you need to coat for waterproofing, you may require several cans for adequate results. Otherwise, the coating won't be feasible.

So, it is essential that you consider the quantity in the sprays and the number of coats you would be required to make for appropriate waterproofing.

By making such calculations, you can make a suitable budget that will allow you to understand how much you are spending and how you ought to consider the value of the waterproofing sprays.


It is quite known that the application of waterproofing sprays can prove to be quite tricky. The sprays are clear, so it may become very difficult to determine whether you have already sprayed a region of the surface or not.

This will cause you trouble for when it is show-time, and the spot you missed becomes drenched.

The application process is extremely tedious and very time-consuming. Especially if you are spraying something as large as a tent for your next camping trip, it can take hours and hours before you are done.

Beyond that, the time it takes to dry and get ready is even longer – ranging from 3 to 4 days.

Some products, however, come with advanced technology that makes application easier. One is the type of bottle that the spray comes in, as discussed in the previous section "aerosol bottle or spray bottle," it was determined that aerosol is much more convenient to use.

This is because the aerosol does not require you to keep pumping again and again manually.

However, several people prefer spray bottles because, in contrast to the fine mist that comes out of an aerosol bottle, a spray bottle releases much more liquid, which hastens the process.

The tradeoff between the two options is speed or muscle. You can choose either depending on what works for you.Further, some products offer quicker drying than others.

Advanced Features

One of the most important aspects of a waterproofing spray is the surface on which it will be most effective. You must ensure that you look into the features that it offers so that you can end up with a spray that caters to your needs.

We know that all sprays won't work equally well on all surfaces. Some may work better on the fabric while others on electronics.

Even within fabrics, you should know what you will be mainly dealing with so that you can be assured maximum efficacy. The main divide is between natural fabrics- cotton, wool, silk- and synthetic fabrics – nylon, polyester, acrylic.

Based on whether you will be mainly catering to general clothing, natural fabrics waterproofing will be adequate. But if it is camping gear, the synthetic fabric waterproofing will work better for you.


While all sprays may not work equally well on all surfaces, some waterproofing sprays are known to be more versatile than others. If you are looking to buy waterproofing spray for no particular reason, but for general use around the house, you should pay attention to the versatility of the spray you buy.

You can understand all the surfaces that the spray will work on effectively along with the surfaces that will not be suitably waterproofed by a specific spray through labels. Most manufacturers make it a point to clearly state what a specific spray is meant to coat and whatnot.

Most sprays seem to work well on similar fabrics. For instance, if a spray specializes in waterproofing nylon, it will work rather well on other synthetic fabrics too.

This understanding is important because you should not cover a waterproofing spray on a fabric it is not intended for as it can cause damage.


The size of the area you want to coat with waterproofing spray and the quantity that is provided in one can of waterproofing spray be calculated precisely so that you do not fall short. The capacity of waterproofing sprays is important to keep in mind to buy the right quantity for the right price.

As discussed earlier in the "value" section, the number of coats that you would prefer to do on a surface for it to be securely waterproof will determine the quantity you want. The usual packaging offers 9.5 ounces, 10.5 ounces, and 16.5 ounces.

Some even sell up to 128 ounces in one pack if you are looking to waterproof a lot of items a lot many times.

It all comes down to the viability and durability of the coating. If it doesn't require re-application after every few uses, you are good to go with a smaller capacity. But constant re-application may force you to buy larger quantities.

Durability and Strength

When you think of waterproof protection, your first thought is regarding the coating's effectiveness and strength and how long it will last. Thus, durability and strength are crucial considerations that must be factored in to have the best waterproofing spray that can attend to your needs.

Depending on the conditions you are preparing for, the strength you are looking for in waterproofing sprays will vary. If you are merely looking to protect your garments from slight drizzles, a spray with minimum waterproofing strength will suffice. But if you are looking to waterproof your camping gear, a tougher coating is called for.

The durability refers to how long before the coating fades away and needs to be reapplied. It often depends on the frequency of use and exposure to water. If you are wearing a jacket every day, it would require waterproofing twice a month.

But for surfaces that make use of a stronger coating, like your camping gear or furniture, the coating is much more durable – often several months.

Side Effects

If you do not want residue or discoloration or other side effects that may be caused by waterproofing sprays, this is an especially vital factor to be kept in mind. All waterproofings are made of chemicals, either mild or strong, and chemicals, when exposed to inappropriate surfaces, will cause unwanted side-effects.

Even the most high-quality waterproofing spray will change the original feel of the fabric it is used on. That is a tradeoff that you sign up for when you think of waterproofing your clothes.

However, it can be agreed that some side effects are much more undesired than others. The main side-effects that you need to worry about are color and odor.

Most often than not, the color of the fabric remains quite the same after the waterproofing. This may be affected, however, if the application is quite frequent. Also, to prevent any color mishap, one must make sure that the coating is done evenly, and one area is not coated more than the other.

More than color, it is the smell that bothers most people. The chemicals that are used to make the spray effective and also skin-friendly have a stark odor that is hard to miss. Most of it fades away upon drying, but a hint of the smell remains.

Another severely problematic side effect is the adverse effect on the breathability of the fabric. The waterproofing is not just one-sided where only the external moisture cannot penetrate. The internal moisture, in terms of sweat and breath, also fails to escape. This makes wearing jackets or being inside a waterproof tent for very long.


Most chemicals used in the making of waterproofing sprays give off a pungent smell. Thus, it is advised that the application of the waterproofing coat be made in a nicely-ventilated room. Much of the stark smells fade upon drying, but a hint of the smell remains.

If you are specifically concerned about the odor, there are specific products that claim a better handle on the scent. They add extra chemicals to disguise the pungent smells.


Most waterproofing sprays do not cause any discoloration on the fabrics that they were designed to be used on. This is especially true if you are careful not to saturate the spray in a specific area of the garment. The application should be even throughout so that any discoloration can be prevented.

You can test your product on a region of the fabric that is unnoticeable to make sure that the garment will remain free of harm when coated entirely.


Several products do not allow for breathability, which can adversely affect the usage of the item. The waterproofing is not just one-sided where only the external moisture cannot penetrate. The internal moisture, in terms of sweat and breath, also fails to escape. This makes wearing jackets or being inside a waterproof tent for very long.

You should look for waterproofing sprays that do not make your garment water-repellent at the expense of durability.


Most waterproofing sprays are crystal clear, so you do not have to worry about the visibility of the coating on the garment. However, the visibility can prove to be a problem in the application process because you cannot know for sure if you covered the entire garment.

Thus, it is always preferable to go for a formula that offers a shiny or glossy finish so that you verify that the entire surface has been waterproofed before stepping out in the rain.


  1. What are water-based sprays, and are they worth it?

Water-based sprays use water as the prime solvent to provide waterproof coatings. Yes, the product is quite beneficial as it possesses no harmful effect on the surface or environment. They also have a higher concentration, which aids in providing proper coatings.

  1. What is the appropriate distance to maintain while applying spray from an aerosol dispenser?

Keep the dispenser at a distance of nine to ten inches from the surface. This allows the content to spread evenly and coat the surface appropriately.

  1. Are these sprays washable?

Yes, you can wash-off the content of these sprays. However, you should not use your regular detergent for washing. Read the instructions and manufacturers' guidelines properly for cleaning purposes.

  1. I own waterproof shoes. Should I use this spray on them too?

It depends on the material on your shoes. Some material requires proper coating, but some are sufficient enough to hold off on their own. However, applying the spray won't do any harm. It will add an extra layer of protection, which in result will protect your shoes for a longer time.

  1. How many times should I spray my boots with this spray?

This depends on the number of times you wear them and how often they have to struggle against water in the outdoors. If you wear them daily and the material gets wet regularly, then you have to apply the spray once or twice a week.

On the other hand, if you live in a dry area, you don't have to use the spray often. However, applying it will only protect your shoes from extra damage.

Final Verdict

With suitable waterproofing sprays under your possession, you can extend the life of your outdoor apparel. In this guide, we have presented with the critical pointers that define the usability and performance of the product.

Evaluate them with your requirements and make an informed decision while choosing the best option. / - © Copyright 2020